Austria VAT FAQ

Austria implemented the European VAT system in 1973, replacing its sales tax. Austrian VAT rules have been incorporated into the 1994 Value-added Tax Act ...

Australia GST FAQ

The GST, known as the Goods and Services Tax in Australia, was implemented in 2000 and applies to the supply of most goods, services, real estate and intangible assets ...

Czech Republic VAT FAQ

The Czech Republic joined the EU VAT system in 2004 as part of the EU single market economy. The VAT directive issued by the European Union ...

France VAT FAQ

France was one of the first countries to introduce an indirect tax system. Following a major tax reform beginning in 1966, Value Added Tax (VAT) ...

German VAT FAQ

VAT stands for “value-added tax”—or Mehrwertsteuer in German, though it’s more common to call it sales tax, or Umsatzsteuer.  This is a form of excise tax, meaning that ...


Vat--Value added tax--or Iva--Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto, in Italian language, is a consumption tax that applies to the supply of goods and services carried out in Italy ...


The Japanese Consumption Tax, or JCT for short, is a turnover tax that consumers pay when they buy goods.How do I know if I am obligated to register...

Mexico RFC FAQ

RFC- Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, which is a business's registration number with the Mexican government, equivalent to a tax registration number ...

Netherlands VAT FAQ

The main Dutch VAT legislation can be found in the Wet op de omzetbelasting 1968 (" The VAT Act ") as well as the Exclusion order transposing the EU VAT Directive ...

Poland VAT FAQ

VAT is a tax levied on most business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions in all EU member States and a growing number of other non-EU countries...

Saudi Arabia VAT FAQ

Value Added Tax (or VAT) is an indirect tax. Occasionally you might also see it referred to as a type of general consumption tax ...


The Spanish value-added tax (Impuesto sobre el valor anadido-IVA) system is similar to those established in the rest of the EU ...

United Arab Emirates VAT FAQ

VAT is a transaction-based indirect tax which is levied at each step of the supply chain. End consumers generally bear the VAT cost while registered businesses ...

Sweden VAT FAQ

Sweden introduced its Value Added Tax system in 1969.It is termed Mervärdesskatt (Moms) locally and administered by the Swedish Tax Administration (Skatteverket)...


In the United Kingdom, the value added tax (VAT) was introduced in 1973, replacing Purchase Tax, and is the third-largest source of government revenue...