Mexico's electronic invoice 4.0 will be enforced mandatory from April 1st

Mexico's electronic invoice 4.0 will be enforced mandatory from April 1st

Mexico's RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) is the registration number for businesses with the Mexican government, similar to a tax ID number.

After registering for an RFC, businesses can issue compliant CFDI electronic invoices to their buyers.

To facilitate taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations, the Mexican Tax Administration Service (Servicio de Administración Tributaria, SAT) has issued a tax announcement that the new electronic invoice CFDI 4.0 version will be mandatory from April 1st, 2023. This means that all taxpayers must use the new CFDI 4.0 version for issuing electronic invoices. Prior to this, taxpayers can still use the old version of electronic invoice, CFDI 3.3, but after March 31st, 2023, it will no longer be allowed for issuing electronic invoices.

At the same time, taxpayers should timely update their tax information in the tax system, such as:

1) RFC registration number;

2) Name or company name;

3) Zip code of tax address.


Recently, Amazon platform also released a new "tax information verification" announcement. Based on the announcement, our seller friends need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Sellers need to verify the relevant tax information in the CFDI invoice issued by the platform. If the information is incorrect, your invoice may not be applied to related tax processing.

  2. After this update, the seller's registered company and address will be displayed on the public seller profile page. Therefore, seller friends must ensure the accuracy of their information.

  3. If you need to update your tax information, you must complete the update before January 31, 2023.

  4. Amazon will begin to verify whether the company name of the Mexican seller's RFC tax number is consistent with the seller's back-end name. Sellers who have used a personal RFC tax number will be affected and need to register for a Mexican RFC enterprise tax number as soon as possible.


To verify whether the information contained in the electronic invoice is correct, sellers need to:

  1. Log in to the seller's backend and select the "RFC number" option in "Account Information" - "Tax Information".
  2. Confirm whether the legal company name in the legal entity section of the business information is consistent with the name in your Constancia de Situación Fiscal (CSF).

If sellers do not update their relevant tax information in a timely manner, the invoices they issue may not be used for corresponding tax processing.



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