Complete guide to solve invalid WEEE registration number verification results on Amazon Germany.

Complete guide to solve invalid WEEE registration number verification results on Amazon Germany.

After submitting the WEEE registration number for the German Amazon site in the seller's backend, the Amazon team will verify the submitted WEEE registration number.


After verification, the status of the WEEE registration number - Reg.-Nr submitted by the seller will change from "submitted" to "valid" or "invalid + invalid reason".

When the verification result is "valid", it means that the submitted registration number has become effective and no further action is required.

When the verification audit result is "invalid + invalid reason", please check the invalid reason in the "9 equipment type links" on the compliance portal and modify and resubmit according to the corresponding steps for your invalid reason.

Here we have four invalid reasons and also provide corresponding solutions for seller friends to refer to, so that everyone can take appropriate measures in a timely manner.


Issue One: The equipment type of the registration number does not match the information in EAR.

  1. Please contact your service provider/upstream supplier/EAR to confirm that the registration number you provided is registered for the equipment type of the product you are selling.

  2. Contact EAR/service provider for more information.

  3. Once confirmed, please resubmit your WEEE registration number-Reg.-Nr in the Compliance Portal.

  4. Amazon will verify your number with the relevant government agency or Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO).


Issue 2: The brand/producer name of the registration number does not match the information provided by EAR.

  1. Contact your service provider/upstream supplier/EAR to ensure that the brand/producer name of the registration number matches the brand/producer name you provided to Amazon.

  2. Once confirmed, please resubmit your WEEE-Reg.-Nr registration number in the compliance portal.

  3. If you have submitted the upstream supplier's WEEE-Reg.-Nr registration number but forgot to check the "I have received this electrical and electronic waste registration number from my supply chain producer" option, please resubmit the registration number and check this option.

  4. Amazon will verify your number with the corresponding government agency or producer responsibility organization (PRO).


Issue 3: The registered number is found in the government registration database, but it has expired.

  1. Please confirm that you have completed the registration with EAR and comply with the requirements of the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act.

  2. If you have submitted the registered number of an upstream supplier, please contact the supplier to confirm that they comply with the requirements of the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act.

  3. If they do not comply with the requirements, please start the registration process using this link:

  4. Once confirmed, please resubmit your WEEE registration number (Reg.-Nr) in the Compliance Portal.

  5. Amazon will verify your number with the relevant government agency or producer responsibility organization (PRO).

Issue 4:The registration number cannot be found in the government registration database.

  1. Contact the relevant organization to ensure that your WEEE-Reg.-Nr registration number has been updated in the database.

  2. Once confirmed, please resubmit your WEEE-Reg.-Nr registration number in the compliance portal.

  3. Amazon will verify your number with the relevant government agency or producer responsibility organization (PRO).



During the verification process, please do not resubmit the registration number, as this will restart the verification process and further delay the process.

Even if you have submitted all required WEEE registration numbers (Reg.-Nr), you still need to regularly check the compliance portal, as Amazon will continue to update based on your product information and new brands may be added to the portal in the future that require registration numbers to be uploaded.



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