Australian Director ID-Amber Global Finance

Director identification number


A director ID is a unique identifier that a director will apply for once and keep forever – which will help prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities.

All directors of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation will need a director ID.

ASIC is responsible for enforcing director ID offences set out in the Corporations Act 2001. It is a criminal offence if directors do not apply on time and penalties may apply.

When to apply

From 5 April 2022, new directors must apply for a director ID before being appointed.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Are there any changes to existing company notification requirements?
  2. Am I required to provide my director ID to ASIC or companies?
  3. What are the director ID offences and penalties?
  4. Do I need a director ID if I've resigned from my director role?

1. Are there any changes to existing company notification requirements?

No. The director ID requirement does not replace or change existing requirements to keep company records updated. For example, directors must still notify their company of changes in address or other details. The company will still need to notify ASIC of any changes for the public record.

2. Am I required to provide my director ID to ASIC or companies?

When you receive your director ID, you should give it to the record-holder in your company or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation. This might be your company secretary, another director, a contact person or an authorised agent of the company.

If you’re appointed as a director of any other companies or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations in the future, you should give your director ID to the relevant record-holders.

There is no requirement to provide your director ID to ASIC unless otherwise requested.

3. What are the director ID offences and penalties?

ABRS will provide support and guidance to directors to assist them to understand and meet their director ID obligation.

ASIC’s enforcement role covers four new director ID offences under the Corporations Act 2001.


Legislative section

Maximum penalties for individuals

Failure to have a director ID when required to do so


$16,500 (criminal); $1,375,000 (civil)

Failure to apply for a director ID when directed by the Registrar


$16,500 (criminal); $1,375,000 (civil)

Applying for multiple director IDs


$33,000, 1 year imprisonment or both (criminal); $1,375,000 (civil)

Misrepresenting director ID


$33,000, 1 year imprisonment or both (criminal); $1,375,000 (civil)

4. Do I need a director ID if I've resigned from my director role?

Directors who held a director role before 31 October 2021, but who no longer hold any director roles on or after 1 December 2022 do not need to apply for a director ID.

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