Advantages and procedures for registering a UK company

Advantages and procedures for registering a UK company

The UK is one of the best places to invest overseas, and registering a British company is also a crucial first step to entering the UK market.

The UK has a sound local economic system and banking system, as well as a perfect HMRC and company house system, which is convenient for registration application and subsequent modification of any information. There is no need to run around as in China, and overseas shareholders can completely control by themselves remotely.


If investors still want to develop overseas, the UK is the absolute first choice, and the UK market is conducive to the long-term development of investors. The following details the basics of registering a UK company.


What are the advantages of registering a UK company?

Here are some of the main advantages of British companies:


The registered capital is not required to be in place, and the directors and shareholders have no nationality restriction;

Application materials are simple, do not need to do notarization or double certification;

The cost of establishment is not high, and the registration process can be completed within 1 week;

Convenient tax arrangement, low annual maintenance cost;

Tax-exempt registration requirements for sales up to £85,000;

Open a bank account with any bank in the world;

Brand establishment, high credibility, reliable confidence, high international status;

If you want to move to the UK, you can convince the UK Immigration department that you have a job;

Free British medical care and pension for company directors (if salaried);

Services provided to overseas customers are exempt from VAT, and export goods are exempt from VAT.


So what is the process of registering a UK company?

1. First prepare the application materials. If the shareholder is a natural person, the ID or passport information, home address proof and address information of the registered company (in the UK) should be submitted; In the case of investment and shareholding by corporate shareholders, the articles of association and business license as well as the ID, passport and home address of the actual holders are also required;

2. Provide 3 alternative company names for verification;

3. State the nature of the company (sole proprietorship company, joint stock company, liability company or other types of company), confirm the company's shares and share price;

4. The registered capital in the UK is subject to subscription system, which does not need to be actually in place, but needs to be listed when the company is registered;

5. Select business scope and business type;

6. Submit the application and wait for the certificate;

7. After the company is registered, it shall register the corporate income tax account within 3 months; otherwise, the actual business is not allowed.





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